Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender has revealed that he will be taking a break after the release of Prometheus next summer.

The actor has had a super busy 2011 with X-Men: First Class and Jane Eyre hitting the big screen and four more projects in the pipeline.

The new year sees Haywire, Shame and A Dangerous Method being released in quick succession before returning with Prometheus in the summer.

Speaking to the AP whilst promoting his latest movie Shame the actor said: "After Prometheus, I just shut up shop. I'll give myself a break and I think everybody else.

“It's sort of like Fassbender overload here," the star quipped.

The four movies that Fassbender has in the pipeline sees him work with a string of high profile directors - Steven Soderbergh, Steve McQueen, David Cronenberg and Ridley Scott.

Shame is a performance that has already been gaining praise on the festival circuit, picking up a Best Actor award at the Venice Film Festival.

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