Nicholas Cage

Nicholas Cage

Nicolas Cage's co-stars and crew on movie Bad Lieutenant thought the Oscar winning actor was really snorting cocaine.

Cage takes on the role of Terrence McDonagh in Werner Herzog's remake of the 1992 movie of the same and his method acting were a cause for concern on the set.

Speaking to MSN he said: "It was an awful day - it was one of our first scenes in the movie and as method actors we try to live in the imagination to make it real.

"So I would have this little vial of saccharine and I would just take it and snort and start trying to psych up and then totally create this imaginary world that I was high on coke, and then Werner would say 'Nicolas, what is in that vial?' and I thought 'oh man, please don't pull me out of my imaginary...

"I'm psyching up for the camera, you know me better' and I went 'It's coke!' because I didn't want him to break the wall."

It's already been a busy year for Cage after finding box office success with comic book movie Kick Ass and he has several more projects for 2010.

Later this summer he takes on the role of Balthazar Blake in a live action adaptation of The Sorcerer's Apprentice, made famous by Mickey Mouse in Fantasia.

Bad Lieutenant is released 21st May.

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