Pete Travis

Pete Travis

Pete Travis says he will probably not return for a Dredd 3D sequel if a film goes ahead.

Travis was behind the 2012 movie as he brought the character back to the big screen with Karl Urban in the lead role.

The film may have been a critical success but it struggled at the box office and was one of the disappointments of 2012.

When asked it he would do a sequel by MovieWeb the director said: "I don't think so.

"I really hope there is a second one," he went on. "I just feel very lucky to have been involved in the first one. It has been a great experience for me.

"I read Alex Garland's script two years ago, and I fell in love with it then. I have enjoyed the whole process of working on that with him, and bringing it to the screen. It was extraordinary.

"I hope they get the chance to make another one. I think Dredd is an extraordinary character. I think Karl Urban captured him so perfectly. I think there is a real beautiful future there."

Travis has been behind movies such as Endgame and Vantage Point and has turned his hand to TV with Falcon.

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