Sex and the City

Sex and the City

The Sex and the City movie sequel has hit a stumbling block over plans to shoot scenes in the United Arab Emirates.

Filming in New York has already been pushed back until the end of August (09) and now sources claim plans to base part of the plot in Dubai have upset the government of the strict Muslim nation.

A source tells Us Weekly, "The UAE authorities aren't keen on the title because of the word 'sex'."

Studio bosses are hoping the sequel will emulate the huge success of the original movie, which earned $401 million (£273 million) at the worldwide box office.

The hit television show come to the big screen for the very first time in 2008 to massive box office success that a sequel seemed inevitable.

But after being coy over whether there would be a second movie Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis are all returning to the roles of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte.

Before this halt to filming the movie was expected to hit the big screen in May 2010.