Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston has revealed that Thor 2 will be filming in London during the summer.

Thor hit the big screen for the first time last year - shooting both Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth to stardom - and it went on to over $449 million at the box office.

A sequel has been given the go-ahead and Hiddleston also confirmed that Alan Taylor with be behind the camera for the sequel.

Speaking during a webcam chat with Empire the actor said: "Without revealing too much, there's a specific skill set you need to be [in] Loki's army - let me know if you have the qualifications.

"And all I know about Thor 2 is that we're supposed to film it in London in the summer and that it's being directed by Alan Taylor."

But before we see them in Thor 2 Hiddleston and Hemsworth will be back as Loki and Thor this summer as part of The Avengers.

The British actor takes on a very different role this week as he stars in Steven Spielberg's new movie War Horse.

Thor 2 is set for a 2013 release.

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