Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner has landed another action role to add to his resume - the chiseled teen star is set to portray Stretch Armstrong in an upcoming blockbuster.
The 17-year-old actor, who was recently confirmed to play extreme sports star-turned-secret agent Max Steel, will show off the muscles he acquired to play a werewolf in Twilight as he stars in a new film based on the bendable action figure Stretch Armstrong.
The movie will be beamed across big screens using new 3D technology.
A spokesperson for Universal Pictures says, "In the past two years, Taylor has emerged as a real star at the global box office.

"He brings the perfect balance of energy and athleticism to the role of an unlikely super hero with a fantastic super power.

"We couldn't be more pleased that he has agreed to be our Stretch."

And Lautner is going to be all over the big screen over the next few months as he stars as part of Valentine's Day's ensemble cast this week.

He returns to the role of Jacob Black in Eclipse, the third Twilight Saga movie to be adapted for the big screen, this summer.

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