Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana says that James Cameron will protect the integrity of Avatar when working on a second movie.

The actress took on the role of Neytiri in the 2009 movie, which went on to be the biggest grossing movie of all time.

A sequel has been in the works since the success of the first film but Saldana believes that director Cameron will not rush the project.

Speaking to Empire the actress said: "I know Jim is still in the process of writing (Avatar 2). I know he is going to protect it, in order not to fall into that category of ‘the curse of the sequels’ where you’re going after the same formula or chasing that first high.

"He wants to maintain the integrity of the story, and allow the characters to dictate what they do next."

As for the actress she is set to return to the big screen later this year with action movie Colomnbiana, in which she plays an assassin.

A Star Trek sequel is also on the horizon, where she would reprise the role of Nyota Uhura.

Columbiana is released 9th September.

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