Alexandra Daddario feels "lucky" that she is in a position to help get her movies financed.

Alexandra Daddario

Alexandra Daddario

The 34-year-old actress received a producing credit on 'We Summon the Darkness' - about a trio of friends who go on a Midwestern road trip to attend a heavy-metal show, where things take a deadly turn - in return for helping to raise funds to get it made and she doesn't take her influence for granted.

Alexandra told The Hollywood Reporter: "I was a producer. As an actor, I helped get financing which then gives you a producer credit. I feel that I know when to step back and when it's good for me to be involved. Through the process, I'm learning more about filmmaking, and I was a producer on the project I shot after this as well. It just allows you more freedom to learn. There are certain things that I can help with, whether it's getting people I know to help out or whatever the case may be, but as an actor, it's generally about being able to get the money for the project to be made. I feel very lucky that I'm in a position to be able to do that."

And she admitted that she feels a sense of pride about helping her indie films to get made.

Alexandra explained: "Having started my career working on a lot of big studio films, all I found is that it's equally hard. Getting the film made feels like a way bigger accomplishment when it's smaller. Sometimes, you really run into financial problems in pre-production, and there's been a couple of occasions where I was like, 'I don't even know if we'll be getting on the plane to shoot this two days out.' So, there is that level of pride in that. When you get a financial problem solved in a positive way, I take huge pride in that."

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