Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson has revealed that he really wants a role in the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII.

The actor said G.I. Joe and Star Wars were the two sets of toys that he played with as a kid and after landing a role in G.I. Joe; Retaliation he now wants a role in the latest Star Wars film.

J.J. Abrams is in the director's chair for the movie and Johnson has plans to contact the filmmaker directly

Speaking to New.co.au the actor said: "I played with two lines of action figures when I was a kid, G.I. Joe and Star Wars.

"By the way, because we didn't have a lot of money, I used to steal them. I'd just rip open the packages and shove 'em in my pockets... like a lot of kids. I got caught a couple of times, got my ass kicked by my parents.

"When I got the call saying, 'How do you feel about becoming the leader of the G.I. Joes?' it was like if I got a call from George Lucas saying, 'I want you to be in Star Wars'.

"I'm gonna call J.J. and you're gonna help by printing it and I'm gonna be in Star Wars'!"

We are going to be seeing plenty of Johnson on the big screen this year as Fast and Furious 6, Snitch and Empire State are all set for release after G.I. Joe; Retaliation.

While there has been talk of the old cast returning to the Star Wars franchise there has been no announcement of new cast members.

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