Edgar Wright

Edgar Wright

Edgar Wright says he feels more confident going into Ant-Man because he has Scott Pilgrim vs the World and The World's End under his belt.

Ant-Man is a movie that has been in the pipeline for a long time with Wright attached to direct but it has been delayed as the director went off to work on other projects.

But Wright admits that he now feel ready to tackle this huge Marvel movie because of the experience he has gained on his last two movies.

Speaking to Collider the director said: "I actually made the choice to make Scott Pilgrim and The World’s End before this one. And Ant-Man is such a big special-effects film, it’s almost like the further it goes on, the easier it is to do, in a way.

"I feel more confident now, but I can’t talk about it too much because I get superstitious. I just feel like I don’t want to jinx it...

"I’ve learned a lot in the last five years, and now I’m ready to do something big and crazy. Or, I should say, small."

Wright has penned the Ant-Man script along with Joe Cornish bit no cast has yet been announced for the film.

We will be seeing Wright back in the director's chair this summer as The World's End will hit the big screen.

The movie sees him reunite with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost for their third movie project together and their first since Hot Fuzz.

Ant-Man is scheduled for a 2015 release.

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