Margot Robbie wants to work more with actresses her "own age".

Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie

The 27-year-old beauty has admitted she would love to be able to join forces with more female directors, and to be cast in movies with women in her age bracket, because she wants the reality of her life to be "reflected" in the projects she is in.

Speaking in the December issue of Vogue Australia magazine, the 'Suicide Squad' actress said: "I already work with a ton of female writers who are brilliant, and I want to work with female directors. I really want to work with actresses my own age.

And Margot is trying to start up projects with an "ensemble pf young female characters" to help her achieve her goal.

She continued: "I'm trying so hard to get projects up and running with an ensemble of young female characters, because that's my life, my group of girls, we're a gang and we roll together and I'm like: 'Why is that not reflected in film?'

"To me, when I think of women, I think the word that sums up women so well but isn't used as often as it should be is 'resilient'."

The 'Tarzan' star has hinted her confidence as a star in the entertainment industry as grown, and she now believes she has had "enough experiences" in the business that has enabled her to speak out when she has an opinion on the way a film is being made.

She explained: "I feel like I've been in the business long enough now watching other people make those decisions. I've had enough experiences to have more of an opinion like: 'Actually, I wouldn't have done it like that, or I think they should have done something different right now.' So now I get to be one of those people who say: 'Hey, maybe we should do it a little differently.' It's nice to have that opportunity. It's enormously satisfying to build something and to be part of something and to take control of my career."

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