Written by Melissa Allen, who you can follow on Twitter at @melissajournal

We're going back to the movies in this week's Throwback Thursday feature, taking a look at some of the best, most iconic film quotes of all time! From Lord of the Rings to Back to the Future, any cinema junkie worth their salt will be able to recognise these lines right off the bat! Note that there will of course be spoilers ahead!

10. “You shall not pass!”

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Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) is part of one of the biggest franchises in the world, and the line spoken here by Gandalf is the most striking in the first instalment. The words are spoken with such authority and courage, and in a way that leaves you heartbroken as just after, he falls to his ‘death’. This is meant to be both a final goodbye and an attempt to save the other characters travelling with the wizard. It's quite simply a classic, and has been ever since it was first spoken.

9. “Yippie-ki-yay, motherf*cker!”

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Since its release in 1988, Die Hard has captivated audiences. This line is perfect, despite its whispered delivery which may seem unusual for a line of this valour and meaning. Everyone knows that Bruce Willis was the only person that could play John McLain, and in turn the only person that could deliver this line in such a memorable way that is known many years after; the films are even referenced in popular culture regularly – such as its mention in the TV show Friends by characters Joey and Ross, and Brooklyn 99 as lead character Jake Peralta’s favourite franchise, which he quotes often. (Could this be because this line is just that good?)

8. “I’ll be back.”

It can be agreed by everyone that this line, first uttered in the Terminator movie in 1984, while not part of a long speech or in the midst of a dramatic action scene; Schwarzenegger’s cool and calm delivery is what makes it so brilliant. The Terminator flicks are incredibly memorable and packed full of amazing moments, but to pick a line from them wasn’t hard at all; the simplicity of the quote is what keeps it in audience’s minds in a film filled with action and thrills – this part is what we will always remember.

7. “You’re gonna need a bigger boat…”

Jaws may not be a film that everyone has seen, but it is a film with a certain line in it that everyone does know. The film itself is a classic, with an accompanying classic line. It proposes comedy, despite the horrifying scenario that surround the characters within this 1975 shark thriller. The line is crafted well as it’s a clear comparison to the villain they face with the boat they are in, but without being to technical and simply stating what is going on in such a way where the audience smiles, but not for too long, as razor-sharp teeth are lurking just under the surface.

6. “I see dead people.”

Yet another Bruce Willis classic, however he did not speak this haunting line – it is spoken by young Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment). The film’s focus is that Willis’ character (Dr. Crowe) is attempting to figure out Cole’s supernatural abilities and what, if anything, he has wrong with him. The line is such an impactful and hard-hitting one, that it shocks audiences every time.

5. “No one puts baby in a corner.”

A film with both a stunning soundtrack and heart-warming line? Check. Dirty Dancing (1987) shows that with a perfect build-up to a perfect moment can create, yes, the perfect line. Patrick Swayze’s character Johnny Castle delivers this line in a firm, authoritative manner which leads audiences to fall in love with him for the final time in this film; perhaps despite his character’s undesirable attitude towards Baby (Jennifer Grey) throughout the film. The tension between the couple can seem confusing at certain points within the film, so when Castle rocks up at the end of the film to dance with Baby, pulling her out of the corner – it’s another faultless line delivered beautifully and purposefully.

4. “I’m the king of the world!”

Another obvious choice perhaps! Titanic (1997) is a timeless classic which is known by audiences around the world; the line spoken by Leonardo DiCaprio’s character (Jack Dawson) still hits you in the heart after all these years. His characters background and story is what allows this line to become the great quote it is today, as he stands at the front of the boat essentially living his life to the fullest – despite his poor financial, social status, and almost every other situation. Audiences know this line because it is spoken by one of cinema’s most lovable characters.

3. “Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.”

Maybe one of the most loved yet memorable quotes of all time spoken by Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) from one of the most revered movie franchises of all time: Back to the Future (1985). The line is purely and starkly a line which every movie buff will know as it is spoken by one of the best characters in film history – Doc Brown. The line itself is confusing yet humorous and even tense as Doc Brown prepares to take Marty on yet another adventure; Marty looks confused and quite terrified as he wonders what lies as Lloyd carries the line perfectly and with the right amount of mystery and curiosity.

2. “Get away from her you b***h!”

There is little to say about this phenomenal line that hasn’t already been said; its difficult to hear this line and not feel a sense of pleasure and awe as Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) fights the Alien Queen in the outstanding movie that is Aliens (1986). It is undoubtably a line spoken with such ferocity and passion that it is clearly still known – and respected – today. The line becomes even more brilliant since this is the second film in the franchise, and we have quickly come to know Ripley as tenacious, feisty and someone who will fight for herself and those around her; she fights for Newt (Carrie Henn) and gives the audience one of the most brilliant film quotes of all time.

1. “Here’s Johnny!”

Right at the top of the list we have this thoughtfully-crafted masterpiece. Coming from the movie adaptation of Stephen King's The Shining in 1980, this line is quite simply known by almost everyone, even if they haven't seen the flick! 

Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) is a man plagued by the place he is in and his career going nowhere; he begins to terrorise his family and at the same time, horrify audiences. The line is at the number one spot partly due to its length – two words should not be enough to have a line make such an impact in cinematic history, but it very much is in this case. Nicholson’s terrifying demeaner couples with his character's wife Wendy’s (Shelly Duvall) absolute revulsion. Even if horrors aren’t your scene, chances are you’ll know this line despite that.

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