Eminem - Relapse

Eminem - Relapse

Well, 2009 has been filled with all kinds of ups and down, but as I struggle to make a ‘Driving CD’ for my little Ron Burgundy - that‘s my purple car if you‘re not down with the kids - I decided it was time to make a list of the albums which I’ve just been listening to over and over this year.

Whilst some of you might agree, some might think I’ve got a rubbish taste in music, and some might think that I’ve left the best band on the planet (who just so happen to be your favourite) out.

Coming up over the next few days are the albums which I’ve added to my iTunes over the past 9 months, and which have had at least one song played every working day since their addition. Now that’s a record.

Eminem - Relapse


Okay, I’ve got a bit of a celeb-crush on Eminem, I don’t know why because I know he’d break my heart, but he’s just fantastic isn’t he? The way he can make those words come out of his mouth so fast… its like he doesn’t need ot breathe!

I’ve got all of Mr Mathers’ past albums, mainly because my mum loved him and used to by me his CD’s as a present, when really she wanted them for herself, but the way he strings lyrics together is quite simply poetic.

Whilst the folk who feature in his songs might be inclined to disagree with me, take Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears for example, it’s all good fun for us listeners who love a good old bitch, and if it’s musical, surely it doesn’t count?

Anyway, Crack A Bottle has to be one of my favourite songs of 2009, and I seem to play it over and over again when I’m driving, which is a bit odd, because my Ford Fiesta really isn’t made for cruising’ in, but oh well, you can’t have everything.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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