The Wave Pictures

The Wave Pictures

Moshi Moshi has undertaken the recording of a low carbon release for the current EP from The Wave Pictures. Entitled ‘Pigeons EP’, this release is available for digital download only from October 13th.  

As is typical of their prolific output, The Wave Pictures recorded not one but four songs during their stint at The Premises. The ‘Pigeons EP’ includes live favourite ‘Long Island’, plus brand new songs ‘One Line At A Time’; ‘Don't Say I Haven't Tried’ and ‘David's Evening On Wheels’. 

Vocalist Dave Tattersall played the piano on these versions with Charles and Rebecca from Slow Club taking on guitar duties and backing vocals respectively.

Recording took place on August 28th in a solar powered studio at 'The Premises' in London. The band walked to the studio - as did the engineer - and following the recording the studio uploaded the tracks to the server of their digital distributor, for release through iTunes and other digital download stores.

Given the prolific writing and recording output of the indie three-piece The Wave Pictures, it is fitting that their label Moshi Moshi find a "Low Carbon" means of releasing their boundless creativity.