So anyone who makes music just for the honesty of it, I look up to them.

What would you be doing if you weren’t in a band?

Probably still making coffee in a shitty little town in Austrialia!

I love coffee!

Yeah, it’s good but not when you’re 26 and still making it for other people and wondering “Where the hell am I going in life?”

When was the last time you felt truly inspired?

That’s a good question; I’m inspired every day. Every day you wake up and think of something you want to do or change and I guess travelling as much as we do every day is a culture shock for us so I would have to say inspiration comes on a daily basis.

If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life which would it be?

That is so hard! I’d have to say Bad Religion’s Suffer just because that’s my all-time favourite record.

We ask everyone we interview to come up with a question for the next person we interview and

Street Dogs want to know what are the weaknesses of your band?

The band’s hygiene. Jeff’s brain, Jia’s looks, Luke’s wart and, well, I’m pretty good!

So finally, could you come up with a question for the next person I interview please?

What is the longest you’ve ever gone without a shower?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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