You’re set to present Big Brother’s Big Mouth with your friend Melvin, how did that come about?

It was just the boring way really, I got a call from my agent who told me they were looking people to get involved with it and they thought we would be quite cool if we went in and ‘ represented!’ We went down and did an audition which involved a mock up version of the show.

Are you a big fan of the show?

Myself and Melvin love big brother, and have always watched it. I’ve watched every single one that’s been on! Some year I think “I am not going to watch it this year because it takes up too much of my time, but I think once you start to get to know all the characters’ names you’re hooked! You can be reading the paper and figure out who’s who and before you know it you’re sucked in.

Who is your favourite housemate?

Darnell; I like him just because he’s really nice and quite funny just because he’s American and a bit of an oddball but he can’t communicate that well so when there’s an argument I think he finds it really difficult to express himself without throwing his hands all over the place, so he’s my favourite.

What do you do in your free time?

I go out to a lot of parties and I get to go to a lot of gigs and concerts, I am really lucky that I get to do so much cool stuff. I also go to a lot of charity stuff and I do quite a lot with kids at the Brit School. I’m actually going back to do the yearly radio show which is called Brit FM and every year they get a restricted radio licence and broadcast throughout out surrounding areas. I haven’t been back for a few years but this time I’m going to go back and help out for a few days.

We ask everyone we interview to come up with a question for the next person we interview....and Angela Griffin wants to know; “If you were to subscribe to a magazine, what would it be?”

Probably something like GQ.

And what would you like to ask my next interviewee?

Have you ever licked the top of a square battery and how old were you?

Find out whether Eileen Rose has ever had the pleasure of licking a battery here.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison