Patina and Whoopi

Patina and Whoopi

After a year long global search, 24 year old US actress Patina Miller has been cast to make her West End debut playing the lead role of ‘Deloris Van Cartier’ in the divine new musical comedy Sister Act.

Born and raised in South Carolina, Patina’s previous credits include the critically acclaimed 2008 production of Hair in New York, here’s what happened when we caught up with the beautiful Patina for a chat!

Hey Patina, how are you today?

I’m lovely today thanks, feeling very energised.

Can you tell me anything fun you have been doing recently?

Well I’ve been seeing lots of theatre and musicals in London, I’ve seen Sound of Music and Billy Elliot – they were fantastic! I also did a tour of London on a bus, xcept it was raining so heavy I could barely see anything!

Are you enjoying settling into London?

Yes I really am, I love Oxford Circus, the Topshop there is amazing! I also love Borough Market, I take all my friends there when they come visit.

So before you came over for the musical, what were you doing in America?

I was working in Hair, which is now set to starts its Broadway run. I also appeared in Romantic Poetry, and off Broadway show.

How does it feel to have been picked by Whoopi to play such a famous role?

It is such a blessing, to have been picked out of everyone, so many people, to know that she was willing to take that chance on me was fantastic!

What was it like meeting her? Any funny stories?

Well beforehand I was so nervous beforehand, as I knew I’d have to sing for her, so I was prepping and going over all the songs. I started imagining things that weren’t really there, like I was getting a sore throat or something, when in reality I was fine. But then I just took some deep breaths and suddenly felt really calm.

Will she be coming to see the show?

She’ll be over in April to watch the rehearsal process and I would love her to see the show, it would be such an honour.

What are your thoughts on the other cast members?

Everyone is amazing. We are already like a family, I have never met such a wonderful group of warm hearted, welcoming people.

What is your favourite song from the movie?

Definitely, ‘I will follow him’, it is so great!

And how about your favourite song from the musical?

I think Fabulous is definitely one that stands out, it is super high energy and I love to sing it.

Do you think that the musical will open up the show to new fans, not just people who loved the film?

Yeah, I do. I think younger people are really getting into going to the theatre, and then the old fans will also be wanting to check it out. Its appeal is so wide, it is guaranteed to make everyone feel good! Any fans of Disney should check it out too as Alen Menken has created to score, and it is so brilliant!

Anything else about the show you’d like to share?

Watch out for the sets and costumes! It is all awesome. The creative team behind the show are fantastic, and this is so evident with the set and costume design. There are lots of glittery costumes, my closing outfit is definitely one for me, I love it!

When does the show start?

Well it previews from 7th May, then the proper run starts June 2nd. I can’t wait!