If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Grace by Jeff Buckley.

That’s funny that, another band said that one as well.

Really? It’s a kind of timeless classic

So, to go onto some less music-related questions… What three things did you want for a child but never got?

I wanted to be an astronaut. Also, a brother; I have two sisters who I love dearly but when I was young I remember wanting a brother. But that was before my sisters were cool, y’know, it wasn’t cool to get along with your sister. And then, I remember wanting sugary cereal and my mom just had good things for me but all my neighbours and friends had sugary things.

What’s the oldest age you’d like to be alive?

I’d like to be alive as long as possible which sounds very cheesy doesn’t it? I’ll say 112.

What would you say has been the greatest achievement in your lifetime?

Well, apart from what I’ve achieved in this band, - which I’m very proud of - being a husband has totally kicked my butt, in a good way. When you get married, you learn a lot about yourself. I’m proud of that.

So, we ask every celebrity we interview to come up with a question for the next one, and
Pierre Bouvier from Simple Plan wants to know: "If you could live anywhere on Earth, where would it be?"

I’d really like to live in France for a while. In high school, I was supposed to take this foreign language class and my parents told me I should take Spanish because it would be a lot more useful but I wanted to take French because for some reason I was just attracted to the language. So I’d like to go to France and pick it up.

What would you ask the next celebrity?

Coke or Pepsi?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison & Karen Asbury