Claudia Morris

Claudia Morris

Voice of the West End, Claudia Morris, is releasing her debut album 'Love and Demons' on 4th January.

The modest singer speaks to FemaleFirst about buying a leather, waterproof cowboy hat and how her album was inspired by a forgotten dream...

Hello there, what are you up to?

What am I up to? I’ve been organising my next two gigs. All the things that need to be done like the flyer, advertising, getting the material together, new songs. And rehearsing of course! - At the New End Theatre on Sunday 28th February and Pizza on the Park in Knightsbridge on Wednesday 17th March.

So, you're getting ready to release your new album LOVE AND DEMONS can you tell us a bit about it?

It’s an album which has jazz, musical theatre and some country and western. It’s a mixture of music genres with lots of ballads and heartfelt songs. I chose songs that touched me, that meant something to me. I wanted songs that would move people, something that would give them an experience.

Why are you releasing that album now?

The album was inspired by a dream I’d had. I’ve been keeping a journal of my dreams for the last nine years. Last year I decided to re-read them and came across one particular dream from 2002 which stood out. In the dream I was given the task of drawing myself. I wondered whether I should draw myself as sad or as a singer. This particular dream was too powerful to ignore and I realised I needed to take action; that this was something I simply needed to do. After an 18 year break from being an actress and a singer in the West End and bringing up three children, I decided to just get on with it, to record an album. I was lucky enough to meet Simon Colam, an incredible jazz pianist who works on the X-Factor, coaching contestants at boot camp and before the live shows, and he helped me put an album together that’s part jazz, part musical theatre and country. A few weeks ago, I did my first ever solo gig and although the first five minutes were nerve wracking, I received a brilliant reaction from the audience and I felt I’d come home. It’s clear now that this is what I should have been doing all along.

There is a lot of competition in the business today; do you think you have what it takes to give the big names a run for their money?

I believe I’ve got what it takes. I have life experience and a depth of emotion which I can portray through my music. Can I give the big names a run for their money? Let people make their own minds up about me!

So, if you could recommend just one song of yours for us to download so that we want to hear all of your music, what would it be?

"When You Say You Love Someone" by Michael Bruce. This is the first recording of this song written by a gifted, young, up and coming writer. It’s a very beautiful ballad about relationship difficulties.

If I was contemplating coming to your show or sitting at home and watching Big Brother, how would you get me out of the house?

I’d have to tell you what one of the audience thought when they came to my recent concert:

"Claudia is remarkable. Not only has she a truly beautiful, rich and wonderfully expressive voice, which is already thrilling her audiences, but also she has an enormous drive and energy to create to her best….The public know when they hear something good and it comes from those artists who are driven to create the most beautiful and polished performances. The public are going to want a lot more of Claudia and I see Claudia going all the way."

We’ve got to admit you’re a little bit cool, so what advice would you give to someone just starting out, knowing what you know now?

Oh cool, that’s a first? It takes a lot of hard work, determination, practising, and not being scared to put yourself out there. You’ve got to believe in yourself.

So, if CLAUDIA MORRIS was an acronym what would each letter stand for?

Oh no! This seems like a no win situation. If I put positive things about myself, I’d be seen as being too cocky. It’s best probably to let other people work out what each letter stands for!

If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It would have to be something, very mellow, easy listening but with a few up tempo numbers. I’m enjoying listening to Jane Monheit at the moment.

Okay, now we want to ask you some random questions

What were you doing‌ last night‌ at 11?


What are you going to do after this interview?

I’m going to help my daughter with her homework.

When was the last time you did something incredibly stupid?

Last week I was driving to Reading on the motorway. I was miles away listening to some music. I looked up and I thought "this looks weird". It looked like I was driving back into London. And I was!

What’s the last film you saw?

I took my 3 year old to see "Up". Fab movie, unfortunately I had to leave early as my son got bored.

What’s the last thing you bought?

I bought a leather, waterproof cowboy hat. My kids find it utterly embarrassing. I thought it was cool, but they thought otherwise. But it’s practical and good in the wind and rain.