Well we’ve done some pretty cool shit in terms of gigs, we’ve played with some pretty cool bands like Funeral for a Friend, Ghost of a Thousand and stuff, but I’d actually say it was getting our arses into gear to get this EP together, working with people like Dan and Justin, and Paul with the art… People I really respect, and having them get involved with us and our music has been pretty f**king cool. Playing in venues like the Astoria 2 has been great too, I’d love to play even bigger venues, so hopefully our music will take us to them.

You have been on the road with some super sexy bands haven’t you; who has been the best?

I have no idea what this question actually means? But I’ll go on record and say Outcry Collective are a sexy bunch, and they’re one of the best bands around in the UK at the moment too, so... them. I’m jealous of Steve’s facial hair.

And given the chance, who would you choose to go on tour with?

We’re all pretty huge fans of Thrice so that would be amazing, though I think I’d probably be a complete fan boy and ruin it. Someone like Cancer Bats would be rad.

Everyone seems to be dead poor at the moment, so why should people fork out and come to one of your shows?

‘Cos we do something a bit different, we put on a good show and really give a shit about what we’re doing, whether its to five or five hundred people. If you come and don’t like it, come find me and I’ll buy you a beer. Maybe.

Who do you think is the best artist around at the moment?

Wow, another tough one. I love music that is completely foreign to the way we write… The Dillinger Escape Plan push boundaries so well, even those of their own fans which is pretty cool if you ask me… I love everything they’ve done from Under the Running Board to Ire works… Also, Justin Timberlake is pretty much the best pop artist in the world right now I’d say.

Okay, so to ask a couple of random questions;

If someone told you that you only had 9 minutes to live, what would you do in those 9 minutes?

Honestly? Man that’s hard... well, I’d like to spend it with my mum and brother as un-rock n roll as that sounds. Also I’d like to get as drunk as humanly possible, though maybe not both at the same time, that could be tricky. I guess that doesn’t really answer the question. Woops!

If you were at a friends house having dinner and you found a dead creepy crawlie in your food, what would you do?

Smash the place up. Especially if it was our drummer Ben’s house. I’d smash his house up regardless of whether there was a creepy crawly or not.

On an aeroplane, you are chatting to someone who is fairly good-looking. Unexpectedly, that person offers you £10, 000 for a night of sex. Knowing that there is no danger and payment is certain, what would you do?

I could really do with ten grand.

What do you think is the most important invention over the last 100 years?

The nuclear bomb.

And also, we ask everyone we interview to come up with a question for the next person, and The Fray want to know whether you prefer Coca Cola or Pepsi?

That’s not very imaginative, I guess it is The Fray though. I’ll go with Coke.

Now can you come up with a question for the next person I interview (make it as random as possible!)

Would you rather have no arms or no legs?

Check out our review of the Young Guns single In The Night here

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison