Chloe Foy

Chloe Foy

Chloe Foy’s  joining the ranks amongst the exciting wave of folk based artists and with the release of her second single ‘In The Middle Of The Night’ last Sunday, we had a chinwag with the classically trained singer and songwriter about it.


So, what can you tell us about ‘In The Middle Of The Night’?

Well, it came out last Sunday and it’s on both iTunes and this time we’ve got physical copies too. That’s nice because I kept getting requests for physical copies, so now we have that option.

What’s the reaction been like so far then?

Well, we put the video out and everyone’s been really positive. The comments from those who’ve watched it have been lovely.

You also put out an EP last year, what was the feedback like from that?

 Everything’s been really encouraging. We’ve had some really nice reviews from folk sites and because we’re at such a small level at the moment, it’s nice to have all the encouragement we can really.

Any plans of a full album?

We’re just taking it as we go. I’m at university, so it makes it quite hard to keep on pushing, there’s not a lot of time for me to do stuff. I’m writing stuff between going to lectures and recording things when we can. Whether it comes out as an album or several more EPs, I don’t know.

Folk’s going through a real renaissance right now, why do you think that is?

I think everyone often yearns for the authenticity that’s behind folk music. There’s already been a resurgence with people like Mumford and Sons and Johnny Slim.  Also I wouldn’t want to claim to be true folk because you get the backlash from real folkies. For me it’s more a folk influence and the acoustic idiom that I think a lot of people really like now.

You weren’t always involved in this type of music, so what got you interested in folk?

I’m not too sure, just the melodies and the keeping things acoustic I guess. I love string instruments, I love that we can add violins and cellos to stuff and because we’ve got a fuller band now, we can head into places that I’m not even too sure what you’d call.

You’re able to play those too aren’t you?

Yeah, I’m classically trained so I’ve played it since the age of eight. That’s what I’m doing at university; I’m studying music even though I mainly sing now. It’s been a massive part of my musical education, so it nice for my music to have an appreciation of that side as well.

Does being able to play multitude of instruments help when it comes to song writing.

Definitely, it means I have different angles and I can think about what can go where in a song when I’m arranging it.

So, how does playing your stripped back style of music compare to being in an orchestra then?

Well, it’s massively different. Obviously in an orchestra you’re playing with a massive amount of resources and a massive team of people and there’s more than one of you in a section. So there’s like eight to ten cellos and you get a much bigger timbre and sound. It’s nice to have that difference of then doing my own stuff and playing it really stripped back with just the guitar and me singing. It’s also great to have my lovely band members have them play everything for me.

You’ve been around music for a long time though haven’t you?

I come from Gloucestershire and there’s this place called Beecham Music down there where I went and learned how to do the simple things that you can learn when you’re four. I then went on to learn instruments at eight, so it’s always been in my life. My parents weren’t musical but they always encouraged that.

So, what’s in the pipeline for the future?

Well, the single’s out now but after that it’s just playing the odd show while I’m still at uni. Then we’ve got the festival season coming up and I’m playing a headline slot at Lakfest Festival and then we’re playing Beachfolk Festival as well  which is probably the biggest one we’ve done so far so I’m really excited about a summer of festivals.

With it being in the summer you don’t have to squeeze it around uni, which must be a bonus.

Exactly, we can just play, maybe record some new tracks and maybe get more a fan base as the live shows are definitely the best place to get everyone listening to you.


Chloe Foy’s new single ‘In The Middle Of The Night’ is out now.

Click here to buy Chloe Foy’s new single ‘In The Middle Of The Night’