Kristin Errett

Kristin Errett

Kristin Errett is someone to watch out for in 2013 as she is about to release her debut album Confessions of a Songbird.

We caught up with the singer/songwriter to chat about the new record and what lies ahead.

- You have just released your debut album Confessions of a Songbird so for anyone who hasn't heard the record yet what can we expect from it?

It’s a compilation of 10 tracks. All piano driven, mostly fun upbeat, tongue and cheek style songs.

- The album sees you mix jazz, soul as well as piano pop so how would you describe your sound?

Just that. It’s piano driven pop with little hints of jazz and soul.

- As I said it is quite an eclectic sounding album so who/what have been your major musical influences?

Stevie Nicks, Carole King, Phoebe Snow, Sara Bareilles, Stevie Wonder.

- How are you finding the response of the album both in the UK and the rest of the world?

It’s going well. I actually recently did an Album Release Show on a website called where artists can perform online and fans can buy tickets to watch from home on their computers.

I actually had fans in the UK who wanted to watch but because of the time difference, it was at around 1 am for them. So I’m now scheduling another show that will be at a time most convenient for them.

- What do you hope this album says about you as an artist?

I hope my passion and love of what I do comes through in the music and I really hope that girls in particular are able to take away a positive message from the songs that you shouldn’t be afraid to be exactly who you are and to always stand up for yourself.

- Who has served as producer on this album and how did that collaboration come about?

My producer is Tomas Costanza at Killingsworth Recording Co. I met him through a good friend.

- This is your debut album but how great role have you had in the production side of things? How important is it to be involved?

It’s very important for me to be involved in the production. We spent several months recording this album and we all really believed in the music and I think none of us wanted to let it go so easily without making sure everything was exactly what we wanted, down to the smallest details. I’m really proud of what we created.

- You are being compared to the likes of Sara Bareilles and Norah Jones so what do you think when you hear those comparisons?

It’s such a huge compliment to me to even be in the same sentence. I have been a fan of both of those artists for years and I have been really inspired by both.

- Are there any live shows in the pipeline for the UK this year?

Not at the moment. I am dying to come tour in the UK though so hopefully in another year or so.

- You started singing, writing songs and playing piano as a teenage so what drew you to music? Is this the career that you always envisioned for yourself?

Yes. As a child, my dream was to be on Broadway. I’ve always been around music and performing.

I realized later on that I loved songwriting more than theatre and started pursuing that more but I’ve always wanted to be a performer.

- You have an ever growing fan base so for any of them reading this interview do you have a message for them?

I’d just like to say thank you so much for supporting me and my music career and if you haven’t already, be sure to head over to my Facebook page and get your Free Download of my New Single while it lasts.

- Finally what is coming up for you for the rest of the year?

We are releasing my music video for my song 'Sparks' this month and I have a House Concert Tour scheduled for this summer and a College Tour this fall.

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