The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple

Brilliant. We always thought Amy Winehouse was a bit bonkers, so when we heard she had proposed to her man Reg Traviss with the aid of a takeaway curry and a bottle of cava, we had to laugh.

One tabloid gossip is quoted as describing the moment as, "Amy burst in while Reg was doing a shoot in an East End London pub. Reg was working and had a serious business head on. She arrived with a takeaway curry and a bottle of cava wanting to hang out. Reg took her off, but she wanted to talk about their relationship. Amy ended up asking him to marry her. He said no, he wasn't ready for such a commitment."

How brilliant is that? It's just insane! I mean, seriously WHO DOES THAT?! They've only been dating a few months but she's obviously head over heels in love with the poor bloke. Oh, and she seems to have forgotten all about her last marriage to that Blake Fielder-Civil train wreck.

So, how did Amy Winehouse take the unexpected knock-back? Well according to the same source; "She dashed out and looked as if she was crying. Everyone felt really sorry for her." Oh dear. I'm sure she found solace in the curry and cava though….

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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