Bono Award

Bono Award

Bono Awarded Liberty Medal....

U2 frontman Bono has been awarded the Liberty Medal in Philadelphia.The Irish rocker, who became the first non-politician to receive the award in 18 years, was awarded for his continual campaigning to persuade governments to cancel third-world debt.On accepting his award, Bono paid tribute to America.He says, "In the American body politic there's no poetry like the poetry of the Declaration Of Independence and the Constitution."What I love about America started in Philadelphia. It's the expression of those values that the world needs to see. The America that liberated Omaha Beach, that rebuilt Europe with the Marshall Plan. That put a man on the moon."The award is given annually and recognises leadership in the pursuit of freedom. Past awardees include Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan.Meanwhile the Irish rocker is having sleepless nights over the crisis in Burma and is praying the campaign against its military rulers will triumph.The U2 frontman expressed concern over the spiralling violence that has left nine dead after clashes on Thursday (27Sep07) between protestors and the military in Burma's main city of Rangoon.

He says, "It is extraordinary to see the Buddhist monks isn't it? Their non-violence may, I pray, win out over the ugliness of the situation.

"There is jeopardy. I slept uneasily last night and I'm sure everyone else that watched did too.

"How far are they going to have to go?"

Up to 100,000 people defied security to take to the streets of Yangon in what is the most serious challenge to ruling generals in nearly 20 years.

Bono says he admired the imprisoned pro-democracy leader Aung san Suu Kyi, adding, "I've always followed her progress and that of the Burmese people.

"She is a study in grace and they are a study in patience.".

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