Keith Richards

Keith Richards

Richards: 'Jagger Is A Power Freak'....

Rolling Stones star Keith Richards had hit out at his bandmate Sir Mick Jagger - branding him a "power freak" and "vain".The 64-year-old guitarist calls the singer a "maniac" but insists the legendary rockers would not have enjoyed such a long and successful career if Jagger wasn't so driven.So Richards and the rest of the band - guitarist Ronnie Wood and drummer Charlie Watts - just leave him to his own devices.He tells British magazine Uncut, "Mick's a maniac. He can't get up in the morning without knowing immediately who he's going to call."He is a power freak and there's nothing we can do about it. I don't want to do anything about it. Let him bugger about. It doesn't make any difference to what we do."He's a bit vain, let's put it like that. We want a vain bloke up there, don't we? Meanwhile, the band can go to work. Vanity will not carry a band. But a band can carry vanity".Meanwhile the guitarist Keith Richards was so uninterested in the recent Led Zeppelin reunion, he didn't even know it had taken place.The legendary rockers reformed in December (07) for a one-off tribute concert in London after a 27-year absence.

But Richards is not a fan of the Kashmir hitmakers and completely ignored all the hype leading up to the monumental gig.

When asked about the reunion, Richards says, "They had one? Well, well done Jimmy (Page) and Robert (Plant)... Stairway To Heaven don't (sic) make it for me, baby".

In seperate news the Rolling Stone guitarist Keith Richards has urged young people to steer clear of drug abuse - because he claims narcotics "ain't worth it".

The guitarist - himself a former drug addict - has called for kids to refrain from using marijuana, even though he admits the substance is "fascinating".

He tells British magazine Uncut, "Lay off the dope. That's my advice now to all younger members who are into this kind of thing. I know the fascination but it ain't worth it".

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