Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

Just when you thought Lady GaGa couldn’t get any weirder she’s only gone and announced that she fancies having a load of dead people on stage with her.

The oddball has contacted body-preserving scientist Gunther Von Hagens in the hope of blagging him into letting her borrow a couple of his corpses because she’s so fascinated by his Body Worlds exhibition.

Apparently the pair have been chatting over email and are hoping to make some arrangements in time for her Monster's Ball show in Las Vegas, with one source saying; "She is keen to have some Body Worlds element in one of her shows. It's something nobody has done before, using dead bodies as part of a gig."

Well no, obviously no-one has used dead people as part of a live gig before… and there’s a reason for that - not everyone wants to be staring at corpses when they go for a night out with their mates.

What do YOU think of it all? Great idea or just a little bit too much this time?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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