Louis Walsh

Louis Walsh

Music mogul Louis Walsh is no longer under investigation after allegations he indecently assaulted a man in a nightclub restroom in Ireland earlier this year were dropped.

The TV star, who serves as a judge on Simon Cowell's British reality show The X Factor, vehemently denied accusations he groped a 24 year old in the Krystle nightclub in Dublin following a Westlife concert in April.

After news of the alleged incident emerged, stars including Cowell and Sir Elton John reached out to support their pal, while Walsh jetted to his native country to voluntarily attend a two-hour questioning by police last week.

Now Walsh has announced the investigation has been dropped - but the TV judge is adamant he will be taking legal action over early reports of the accusation.

In a statement, he says, "I have been informed by An Garda Siochana (Ireland's national police service) that I am now no longer under investigation. I have robustly maintained from the outset that this alleged incident did not occur.

"While I obviously welcome today's confirmation from the Garda that the matter has been dropped I remain outraged that this story ran in the first place... and I have instructed my libel lawyer to vigorously pursue legal action... I have no intention of letting this matter rest until I have received total and absolute vindication.

"This has been a hugely distressing time for me but I would like to thank all my friends and colleagues for their support and I am now just looking forward to getting back to work."

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