Marion Suge Knight

Marion Suge Knight

Knight To Be Named In Notorious B.I.G. Wrongful Death Lawsuit?....

Disgraced hip-hop mogul Marion 'Suge' Knight is facing a wrongful death lawsuit by the family of slain rapper Notorious B.I.G., after a judge ruled he could also be liable for the star's death.Notorious B.I.G. - real name Christopher Wallace - was gunned down in Los Angeles in March 1997, and while many theories surround his death, his murder remains unsolved.The Wallace family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the City of Los Angeles in April (07), alleging that rogue police officers killed the rapper.An earlier lawsuit on similar charges ended in a mistrial in 2005.But in a court order issued by Los Angeles District Court Judge Florence-Marie Cooper on Friday (16Nov07), she tentatively ruled Knight and corrupt former L.A. police officer Rafael Perez could be formally added as defendants in the suit, because of the emergence of new evidence in Wallace's death.Cooper writes, "Plaintiffs have presented evidence that indicates Perez was on duty the night of the (B.I.G.) murder and may have been at the scene of the crime in an official capacity".According to, the new findings allegedly connect Knight and Perez to disgraced L.A.P.D. officer David Mack, who is currently serving 14 years in jail for bank robbery.Incarcerated Mack is said to have admitted to providing security for the Death Row Records founder on the night Wallace was killed.

Robert J. Frank, the lawyer for the Wallace estate, says, "Through his police contacts, Knight knew where Wallace was and sent Mack to take care of him".

The Wallace family believe Knight ordered the murder of the larger-than-life rapper in the infamous East Coast/West Coast rap war, which also claimed the life of Death Row artist Tupac Shakur in September 1996.

Knight has denied having any involvement in either murder.