Cher Lloyd

Cher Lloyd

Despite winning over the great British public with her emotional and hauntingly Halloweeny version of Stay last week, it looks like Cher Lloyd is going back to rap in this weekends show.

 So, regardless of the praise her song and performance brought her last week, she's decided to go back to the baggy sweats, bad-ass attitude and rap-filled musical mash-ups. Oh dear…

"It's been great," she says of the reaction to her performance last weekend, "but I'm getting used to all this crazy showbiz stuff. I love my hip-hop and I think people will enjoy what I'm going to sing this weekend... I hope so anyway."

Cher, Cher, Cher, don’t you see? We loved you because you proved you don’t have to be a wannabe gangsta to be good! What do YOU think?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison