Bastille's Dan Smith

Bastille's Dan Smith

Bastille have said making new music is constantly put on hold because of their commitments to touring.

The 'Pompeii' hitmakers have been unable to find time to finish recording the follow-up to their popular debut album 'Bad Blood' because they have been promoting their first record non-stop since the beginning of last year.

Frontman Dan Smith told Gigwise: "I think if we weren't touring so much we'd probably have finished the [second] album by now. I've never wanted our music to be one thing. I guess we kind of make things when we feel like it."

The British band are hoping to shake things up on their next album and are have already recorded a series of tracks which have more of an R&B sound.

Dan teased: "There will be some songs that'll be quite guitar heavy and dark and at the moment I've been listening to a hell of a lot of R&B so you know, there might even be some songs leaning that way.

"But hey, it's one of those things where what I think sounds like a dark rock song or, you know, like an R&B track, might to someone else just sound like a Bastille song.

"It's hard when you're so involved in it to see it from the outside. But yeah, I'm really excited about the album, I feel like the first album did way better than we expected and way better than our label expected."

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