Kanye West's producer Mike Dean has denied speculation he's quit working on 'Donda'.

Kanye West

Kanye West

The 44-year-old rapper moved into the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta on July 23 to finish his delayed LP after being so inspired by the crowd at his first listening party there.

And while there is still no sign of the album, fans recently assumed the studio wizard had dropped the project when he tweeted about being back home.

Mike had posted over the weekend: "Good to be at the house!!!"

Followed by: "100000% focus on my show production for next week. Gonna be like Coachella in a 650 person venue. (sic)"

However, Mike has insisted he's still very much involved in the record.

He responded: "I haven’t quit anything. The album continues. Lol. People read too much into tweets. Lol."

Fans are still yet to get a concrete release date for the follow-up to 2019's 'Jesus Is King', but it was recently claimed Kanye is planning to move stadiums.

His collaborator KayCyy tweeted the news before deleting the message.

He posted: "We moving to another stadium."

Shortly after it was revealed Kanye had moved to the sports stadium - where he set up a dedicated studio space and had a chef on hand to prepare all his meals - the 'Stronger' hitmaker shocked fans when he shared a picture of his sparse living arrangements.

The 'Bound 2' rapper - who has four children with estranged wife Kim Kardashian West - took to Instagram to reveal a glimpse at his small bedroom.

The room was sparsely furnished with just a small bed, an open-fronted closet, some workout equipment, and a TV.

The photograph showed a small selection of shoes and clothes and a bottle of water next to the bed, as well as a suitcase open on the floor.

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