

Evi Vine Releases Long-Awaited Full Debut Album
"...and so the morning comes" released April 18th 2011

Evi Vine has been a prolific songwriter and performer operating both over and under the radar for the past few years. Regular radio support and a tireless live schedule have continued to enhance her considerable reputation and feed her ever-loyal fanbase.

Major UK festival dates such as Glastonbury, Latitude and Secret Garden Party have intertwined with stripped-down performances in Parisian cafes and the corners of smoky folk-noir venues throughout France, Italy and Germany.

Subsequently, Evi has amassed an enviable following - of more than just mere mortals. Her latest video was put together by Oscar-winning visual effects designer Nick Brooks - The Matrix (the bullet scene) and Fight Club, alongside renowned photographer Patrick Fraser.

Evi states: "Days after Christmas 2010 we received this fantastically exciting proposal from Nick Brooks saying he had been inspired by the opening track 'For the Dreamers' after hearing the album, that he was going to fly to London from LA with his friend Patrick to shoot a beautiful video for us. We were, and still are, blown away".

Further demos and stirring word of mouth reviews made their way around the grapevine and more collaborators stepped forward. 'Colours of the Night' features Florence and the Machine Harpist Tom Moth and 'Kiss' features Bob Loveday (Van Morrisson/Bob Geldof) on Violin. The album artwork was designed with Berlin-based artist Helen Hurt & Brit Award winner Ben Curzon.

To date, Evi has released just one solo 4 track EP "Human Remains" - a dark, sparse home demo which sold out of its limited run. Evi also made up part of the underground cult band Eden House (with ex- Fields of the Nephilim members) releasing the album "Smoke and Mirrors" which they toured all over Europe.

Throughout her musical travels and tribulations, Evi continued writing the songs that now feature on "and so the morning comes", during which time they evolved into the beautifully crafted tracks you hear today.

The self-funded album was recorded at home in Kent throughout the biting winter of 2009 and spring 2010 with long-term band member, Steven Hill. Tracks were recorded then layered with months of experimentation using whatever instruments happened to be lying around, resulting in a fresh spontaneous feeling throughout the record. Evi plays all instruments including guitars, bass and drums, with Steven on additional guitars and drums.

Evi: "Making this album was beautiful, creative and heartbreaking. We would forget to leave the house for weeks on end becoming consumed with achieving that sublime yet ever-elusive 'perfect take'. Steven and I balanced each other out by picking up where the other had left off - usually out of sheer exhaustion".

In order to maintain the rustic essence of her trademark haunting noisescapes, Evi enlisted friend and drummer Al Richardson for mastering duties, rather than opting for the polished recording studio sound. The result is an eerie, slow-burning beauty, with haunting honesty and aching emotion.

Catch Evi Live:
25th March at The Lexington, Kings Cross, London with Downliners Sekt (Paris)
30th April at The Camden Crawl, Andy Ross Presents at The Spread Eagle, London
7th May at Union Chapel, Daylight Festival, London
11th June at Wave Gothic Treffen Festival 2011, Germany
17th September at La Fantastique, Brussels