Dance Nation

Dance Nation

Despite the fact that most of you know me as a big rock music girl, dance music is one of my very guilty pleasures from time to time, so when this Dance Nation CD popped onto my desk, I was a little over excited.

As the Dance Nation tour has been swanning up and down the country recently, there was little doubt that those bigwigs over at Hard2Beat record would cash in on the venture as much as they could, and release a remix CD of the hottest songs of the moment.

However, I have never actually owned a ‘Dance Nation’ CD before, and whilst all the songs on here are super fantastic, I’m slightly confused why they all just stop after a minute?

But that’s not the most confusing part, oh no, rather than having a minute of a track, which then gets expertly beat matched and mixed into another track, one song just fades away before the next one kicks in.

The songs are pretty good though, with chart hits from Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears and Kid Cudi, as well as a couple of weird additions from The Script (which sounds pretty good, however, the same can’t be said for the mash up of Scouting For Girls‘ She’s So Lovely, which sounds like someone is blowing rasberries down a plastic drainpipe in the background.

So, although I love most of the hits, and I’d love to dance to them on a night out - in full and properly mixed. This CD completely lets me down by just stopping and starting every minute - whether it's just us journalists who get the unfinished copies I'm not sure, but it can't go on sale like this.

Rating: 1/5 - great songs, but better care should have been taken when putting it together.

Skip To: SASH! ft Tina Cousins - Mysterious Times

FemaleFirst-  Ruth Harrison