

I somehow managed to blag myself a 'production' pass towards the end of Saturday afternoon, which meant that as long as I looked as though I knew what I was doing and was meant to be there, I could pretty much go wherever I wanted backstage. Winner.

Obviously this pass took me and my partner in crime right up to the main stage and onto the 'viewing platform' at the side for Paramore's set. Obviously it was standard Ruth practice that saw me head to the balcony that A Day To Remember were not standing on, but it did mean I could watch Hayley Williams and co from the best seat in the house AND stare at Neil Westfall for about 45 minutes without him noticing. Winner.

Watching Paramore form the side of the stage was totally epic… whilst we couldn’t actually hear Hayley's vocals at all where we were stood, I could still sing along to the tune and gawp in awe at the sea of people fixated on her every move who chanted back in time song after song.

The crowd went wild for the band's latest hits, Ignorance, Brick by Boring Brick, The Only Exception and lapped up the likes of That's What You Get and Misery Business from their older release 'Misery Business', like oil on a teenagers skin.

After witnessing her moves on stage, there's little doubt why she's one of the most sought-after women in music; women want to be her and men want to date her - she rips up stages better than any bloke I've seen and can pull off cut offs and a tank top better than Lara Croft. Plus her hear is so soft and shiny at a festival… now that's a superwoman.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison