Villa Rise - Wastelands EP

Villa Rise - Wastelands EP

Artist: Villa Rise

Album: Wastelands EP

Label: Monarch Records


Rating: 3/5

Villa Rise are an Aussie band who relocated to the UK in a bid to raise their profile and make a name for themselves in the UK.

And this week they boys have released an EP rock tracks that really show what the band are about. Now I have to admit that the screaming into the mic sound isn’t really for me but it’s not hard to see why these boys are growing in popularity.

Fracture is a rather interesting way to open an EP as it is a narrative of when the Hindenburg airship exploded.

The quietness of track one couldn’t be more different to track two as the vocals and the guitars quite literally roar into action for Keeper.

There is a real energy in the track as this continues with Blindeye and Wastelands and there is almost a ferocity with the way the vocals are delivered.

The vocals supported by, at times, quite haunted sounding guitars create a real atmosphere over the opening four tracks.

Wastelands is also one of the most emotional tracks on the album as you hear the pain in Jarrod Martin just pour out, especially in the quieter moments of the song. 

This is really is a concept album as a message of happiness runs throughout the entire record - but the EP does tell the story of a young man who cannot accept the positives in his life. 

Shadows finishes with a roar and this really is a mighty EP that the Villa Rise boys have delivered.

Villa Rise - Wastelands is out now

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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