It's National Breakfast Week, and academics have now revealed that your personality as well as your ideal love match are able to be determined as easily as by how you eat your toast every morning.

This week an interactive quiz has been created so that breakfast enthusiastics can take part and see just how the simple act of spreading a knife across toast before dashing out to work can be a giveaway sign as to whether you're a natural leader, follower, laid back or control freak.

Professor Sandi Mann of the University of Central Lancashire in Preston conducted the study, revealing that those who cut the crusts off are intolerant of things going wrong and like everything to be just so, whilst those who enjoy exotic flavous of jam are experimenters who crave fresh experiences.

Those who eat 50/50 bread are compromisers who want the best of both worlds and those who spread butter right to the edge are generally fussy perfectionists who like things to be in order.

The study was commissioned by Marmalade makers Duerr's and breakfast bedfellows Roberts Bakery, identifying 15 well-recognised personality types including protecter, tribe leader and thrill seeker.

As well as this, it can help identify if the person sitting opposite you is your future love match or someone who would last as long as your meal this morning.

Dr Sandi Mann explained: "How we eat our toast and marmalade might seem intuitive, but the fact is we each individually make a series of choices at breakfast - based on learnt preferences, innate behaviour and conditioned learning - which could underscore your personality type."

Take the test above and visit for more information.

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