We have all seen them; the bucket lists that make you feel unaccomplished if you have not reached the summit of Everest by the age of 30. You can find countless check lists telling us what you should do before each age milestone, but there is one key achievement that often falls by the way side... having a baby.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

It is said that there will be no greater, life-altering experience in a woman’s lifetime than having a baby and more than any other milestone, it spells the end of one chapter in life and the beginning of another. Although becoming a mum is amazing, the mountains of dirty nappies, sleepless nights and constant feeds will mean there will be little time left for you. So, if you’re pregnant, while you still can, be a little selfish, and do some things for yourself. 

To celebrate Mothers Day, Cussons Mum & Me spoke to real mums and compiled a list, with mums’ words of wisdom giving the ‘top 10 things to do before you give birth’. Thankfully, it’s not about scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef, or learning a new language and don’t worry, you won’t need your passport and life savings for this list.

The top 10 things you should relish before your baby arrives:

1. Treat yourself to something nice

When baby arrives you will be spending money on prams and baby wear, so take advantage while you can and treat yourself to something nice! You’re right, that new handbag WILL complete your wardrobe.

2. Pamper yourself

In nine months’ time all your focus will be on your new born baby, so now is the time to pamper yourself and take a trip to the salon. Treat yourself to a pedicure near the end of your pregnancy because chances are, you won’t be able to reach your toes to do it yourself! 

3. Enjoy date night

It might be a while before you`ll be able to enjoy the peace and quiet with your partner. Go out for dinner, watch a film, visit somewhere new – just make time for your other half while there is less pressure.

4. Have a girl’s night

It might not be the usual bottle of wine like the old days, but get together with your girlfriends over dinner or a cuppa and indulge in your favourite chick flicks.

5. Have a weekend away

While you still have your weekends free to do whatever you want, take advantage and book a weekend away. Whether it’s a trip to Paris before bump takes over, or booking into a spa hotel an hour down the road, spend the weekend indulging and enjoying a break from your usual routine.

6. Spend the day in your PJ’s

You are on maternity leave and your bump is rapidly taking over your body. That gives you every excuse to sit in your pyjamas all day watching day time TV. It might not be a hangover day like many before, but you’re carrying round your bump for nine months, a day in your PJs is just what the doctor ordered. So whether it is Jeremy Kyle or Come Dine With Me, tune in and indulge in some car-crash telly whilst demolishing that packet of Hobnobs.

7. Eat ice cream from the tub in bed

We know ‘eating for two’ is a myth, but when else will you have the chance to polish off a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and not be judged?!

8. Finish decorating your house

We’ve all done it, started decorating and then put off finishing it when other things pop up. If you thought you had no time to do it before, you’ll have even less time once baby arrives. Grab a paint brush and get it finished, it’ll be satisfying to see the finished result and will be one less thing ‘to do’ when you become a mum.

9. Sleep

So simple, yet so appreciated. This may prove difficult in the later stages of pregnancy when your bump decides it is time to get active at 2am! But when you do get chance to drift off to dreamland, cherish it – you may not be seeing much of your bed in the near future!

10. Read that book

There’s nothing like curling up with a good book, and getting totally engrossed in the characters and plot. So whether it’s 50 Shades of Grey or Pride & Prejudice, make the most of those quiet evenings now by devouring that book that you’ve always wanted to read.

Cussons Mum & Me is a new range of products designed to help with the amazing realities of becoming a mum. The range addresses three keys needs of mum and baby – sleep, skin and hair and has been designed to help with every stage of the journey – from bump to new mum to baby.

All Cussons Mum & Me products are available from major retailers. Visit Boots to browse the Mum & Baby product range.

For more information see www.mumandme.com

FemaleFirst @FemaleFirst_UK

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