Playing outside is a favourite during the summer months

Playing outside is a favourite during the summer months

Obese children would exercise more if the clocks didn't go back at the end of October, according to a new study.

The research concluded that children are physically more active on longer days.

These findings only stengthen the public health arguments for proposed changes to daylight savings.

The Daylight Saving Bill would bring the UK into line with Central European Time (CET) for a trial period of three years.

The research, published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, studied the activity levels of 325 children in south-east England aged between eight and 11.

The scientists at the London School of hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that children were most active between 5pm and 8pm during lighter evenings.

Lead researcher, Dr Anna Goodman said: "The fact that kids pend more time playing outdoors and are more physically active overall on these longer days could be important at a population level for promoting their fitness and in preventing child obesity.

"This strengthens the public health argument for the Daylight Saving Bill currently under consideration by the House of Commons, which proposes putting the clocks forward by an extra hour all year round."

Results, published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, showed that on long days, children spent 22 per cent outside, engaging in 'out-of-home play' but when the day ebcame shorter the figure decreased to 13 per cent.

This trend remain constant regardless of weather.

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