British Kids Teach Their Parents A Lesson...In Life

British Kids Teach Their Parents A Lesson...In Life

When most of us were kids, our lives revolved around toys, ice creams and playing and not much else - let’s face it, we didn’t worry too much about the world outside our bubble.

But how do today’s children compare? Are they more socially aware? More concerned about helping others? More environmentally friendly?

According to a new survey released today, children from a very young age are leading the way and teaching their parents lessons they never learnt when they were young.

Over half of all parents say they wish they were taught about the environment when they were children the way today’s kids are.

And half of the parents surveyed for the study by Tetra Pak UK say because of this, children now become aware of recycling by the age of five, while over a third say their youngest child encourages them to recycle.

So does this environmental consciousness transcend to other parts of children’s lives? Do they care more about less fortunate people? Are they more likely to get involved in charities from a younger age? Are they more concerned generally about the world around them?

And if so, will this lead to a more altruistic society in years to come?

In our latest parenting podcast child psychologist Elizabeth Kirby talks about whether there is a difference in how kids these days see the world compared to how we did and what this could mean for future generations.

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