Schools must

Schools must "take note"

Earlier this year, Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove, introduced plans for a shake-up in teaching at UK schools. This included revamping the I.C.T subject to suit more up-to-date thinking and technology. Many parents and teachers were left divided, but there was one crucial opinion missing, that of the high school teens themselves.

Now, a new poll conducted by Movellas, the online writing community, has revealed that 71 per cent of the UK's teenagers say they do not get to be creative enough at school.

Schools should sit up and take note, as this survey suggests they are failing to adapt quickly enough to the rise of social media and their prominence in young people's lives..."

According to the survey of 12-18 year-olds, a massive 92 per cent of teens say the internet and social media have helped them to be more creative by opening their eyes to new experiences and people.

In terms of where the education system is getting things wrong, nearly nine in 10 of respondents said teachers could learn from social media to help inspire creativity in the classroom.

Schools, it seems, are failing to keep pace with the changing social dynamic and the way young people like to communicate which according to the research could be discouraging creativity.

Per Larsen, Co-founder of Movellas, said: "Schools should sit up and take note, as this survey suggests they are failing to adapt quickly enough to the rise of social media and their prominence in young people's lives - and that this could be affecting enthusiasm levels."

Today's teens also feel they are unfairly perceived as - and branded - the 'Playstation Nation', addicted to computer and video games and with no interest in reading or writing.

While four in five respondents said the internet is a key part of their life, two thirds said the video game-addicted portrayal of them in the media is unfair and unjustified.

Per added: "What's also clear is that the perception many adults have of today's kids as obsessive gamers with little interest in anything else is way off the mark. For today's kids, the internet and social media are a way to learn about the world, create, collaborate and communicate, not simply play online games."

Furthermore, 92 per cent of those polled said that creative writing has helped them to express their feelings, although 87 per cent admitted it is not considered 'cool' to be into writing at school.

What are your views on education in UK schools? Tell us in the comment box below or tweet us @FemaleFirst_UK


Shabana Adam @Shabana_FAM

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