Did the question "What do you want to be when you're grown up?" use to cause you sleepless nights and haunt your nightmares throughout your academic life?

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

Well, you're not alone, a staggering 53% of Brits still had no idea of the career they wanted to pursue by the time they had reached further education.

A stunning 36% of Brits feel that they received no support or advice when choosing subjects that would influence their career path in recent research by Stonebridge College.

When asked what they least enjoyed about their time at school, 23% of people said they weren't academic, whilst more than a third said there were few vocational subjects and they would have preferred a more practical approach.

People are calling for a more experiential model of careers guidance and want more experience to give them a better grasp of what practical roles such as construction or IT really involve.

Stonebridge offers both vocational and practical courses to those looking to further their skills and is one of the first distance learning provider to offer the government-backed 24+ Advanced Learning Loan.

Stonebridge College is a leading home learning college with students around the world enjoying quality distance learning courses that are offered in a wide range of subjects.

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk

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