What are your kids searching for online?

What are your kids searching for online?

Top online gaming sites, kids cartoons and maths teaching sites dominated the top ten list of most search for terms related to children on Yahoo! UK this year.

The Yahoo! UK Year in Review report for 2012 reflects the daily search habits of Kids online and offers a glimpse at what is high on the agenda for Britain’s children in 2012.  Online games like Moshi Monsters and Binweevils top the chart as children get increasingly digitally savvy. However, interest in traditional children’s games is not lost, with 50-year-old Lego coming in at number five.

The web hasn’t just been used for playing games in 2012, as Math teaching sites MyMaths and Mathletics come in at numbers four and seven in the chart (full list below).

Yahoo!’s Year in Review is the much-anticipated annual look at top trends and stories, as gleaned from billions of online searches. It is a distinct way to portray a society in motion through online behaviour. To explore the trends and stories that inspired and entertained the world in 2012, visit http://uk.news.yahoo.com/year-in-review/

Top Kids Searches on Yahoo! UK Search in 2012

1. Moshi Monsters

2. Binweevils

3. Club Penguin

4. MyMaths

5. Lego

6. Disney Superbia

7. Mathletics

8. Ben 10

9. Peppa Pig

10. Pokémon

Which games are your kids searching for online? Tell us their favourites in the comments below or tweet us @FemaleFirst_UK


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