Teens can be a nightmare at the best of times but when they are under exam stress it can be almost impossible to keep them within their routine.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

Getting them to have a good night’s sleep can be difficult but it’s something that is required for them to be alert and fresh around this stressful time.

Dr Nerina, Silentnight’s sleep expert, has given us some top tips on how to get your teen to have a great night’s sleep during exam time.

1. Avoid nutritional stress

Make sure your child eats healthily and stays well hydrated. Encourage them to snack healthily to maintain blood sugar levels so that their brain is able to absorb information. They should avoid caffeine after 2pm so that they can optimise sleep quality.

2. Take regular breaks

Our ability to concentrate runs is cycles of roughly 90 minutes. After this time the working memory in the prefrontal cortex shuts down and we stop retaining info. Even a 5-10 minute break can help to ‘unload’ the working memory so we come back to the task with renewed focus. Make sure they get up and move around, eat a piece of fruit, but avoid checking emails and going on the internet – the aim is to give the brain a complete rest.

3. Engage a different part of the brain

Related to the above, make sure they take a break by doing something totally different with their brain such as juggling, using a hula hoop or even playing darts. Again, this helps to empty the working memory.

4. Get good sleep

Encourage your teen to practise good sleep hygiene, to wind down before they go to bed by reading or watching something easy. Although your child may study in the bedroom, don’t let them study in bed and urge them to try to have at least one hour free from technology (Facebook/Twitter included) before getting into bed. Power napping can also work. Researchers have shown that even a 5-10 min power nap at some time between 2 and 5pm can significantly enhance cognitive performance.

5. Awareness

Pay attention to any ‘unusual’ symptoms that have started to pop up such as headaches, insomnia, IBS, appetite changes, skin problems, tearfulness, anxiety or depression. These could be signs that your child is not coping.

6. Support

Related to the above, be supportive to your child. Make sure they have good support strategies which might range from going to the gym and letting off some steam to talking to a close friend or relative or keeping a journal.

7. Take a deep breath

If you find your child feeling overwhelmed and anxious, ask them to stop whatever they are doing and take a deep breath from the belly. As they exhale, tell them to imagine they are blowing out a candle flame and make the exhalation long and slow. This immediately has a calming and stress-relieving effect.

8. Practise ‘the worst possible scenario’

We can become overwhelmed when we don’t allow ourselves to confront the anxieties and fears lurking around in our subconscious. So allow your child to bring them into their conscious mind by getting a pencil and paper and brainstorming all of the things they are afraid might happen if things don’t go the way they hope. Really encourage them to use their imagination even if it feels a bit ridiculous. Ask them ‘could you live with this outcome? What could you do if you don’t pass this exam’. Again let them write out every possible alternative option and build contingency plans.

9. Manage perfectionism

Recognise their limits. Encourage them to set realistic targets, to learn how to ask for help and learn how to say no when the pressure starts to reach unhealthy levels.

10. Positive strokes

Acknowledge when they’ve done something well and give them something to look forward to every day – even if it’s something small like taking time to listen to their favourite upbeat piece of music. Encourage them to stay optimistic even when things look bad - take time out to notice even the small things that have gone well eg. getting a seat on a train, a nice cup of tea or a nice text message from someone. Research shows that people who practise this sort of exercise are healthier and more able to cope with stress and adversity.