Do your kids have regular bedtimes?

Do your kids have regular bedtimes?

Scientists have discovered that children who go to bed later than 9pm have lower reading and maths abilities.

The study tested more than 11,000 seven year olds and found that the problem is more likely to affect girls than boys.

A lack of sleep and regularity can affect your child’s mind from a very early age.

Professor Amanda Sacker from University College London said: “The take-home message is really that routines really do seem to be important for children. Establishing a good bedtime routine early in childhood is probably best, but it's never too late.”

How can you ensure your kids are getting their sleep?

Sometimes it’s difficult to get your kids to bed at the same time every night, particularly if they complain that they aren’t feeling tired, but a routine is essential.

Try to calm your kids down before they go to bed, for example by reading a book to them.

Another great tip is to make sure that all electrical devices are switched off before they go to bed. Having the television or the computer on will distract them from going to sleep.

Setting a bedtime rule and sticking to it could also help your children to understand when it’s time to go to bed. If they know that you are always going to send them to bed at a particular time, they'll soon realise that arguing with you is futile.

Even something as simple as ensuring that your kids are going to bed at a reasonable can make a difference when it comes to their education. Give your kids the best start in life by organising a regular bedtime.

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