Parenting News: British Mums Want Emotional Rather Than Material Support

Parenting News: British Mums Want Emotional Rather Than Material Support

Having a baby is one of the most precious yet expensive experiences in life yet mothers are saying, despite all the unexpected costs, emotional support is what they really need.

Seven in ten mothers have said that their partner giving them the emotional support they need is much more important than any material support.

Despite this, 51 per cent said that it was essential for their partner to go out and earn money so that they could stay at home and care for the child.

Mothers said that the most helpful thing their partner could do was to take up more chores around the house.

Thankfully, dads mostly got away with having to do the night feed as 90 per cent of women said they would rather take on that responsibility.

The First Baby in Breadline Britain report by Family Action and Lloyds Banking Group's Money for Life programme also showed that mums often aren’t prepared for exactly how much a new baby will cost.

The biggest shock for new mothers was the expense of childcare; with a quarter saying it was something they weren’t prepared for.

Formula, keeping the house warm, and car seats were just some of the costs that mother’s didn’t plan enough for.

Seven in ten women that had already had children advised that new mothers take advantage of hand-me-downs to cut the cost of clothes that their child will quickly outgrow.

Two thirds also stressed how important it is to budget and begin saving before the birth in order to avoid having to cut corners and get into debt.

Incredibly, 14 per cent of mums said that they had relied on credit cards, overdrafts and loans to get them through their financial hardships.

The report also showed that couples will face strain on their relationship in the first year of having a child, hence why half of women suggested that couples be prepared to work on their relationship when having a child.

Have you had children? Were you expecting the strain to be so great? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @FemaleFirst_UK