If your Halloween celebrations up until you had a baby consisted of parties, booze and dressing up- don’t worry- we have some ideas so you can still celebrate in style with your little one (sans the booze!).

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Go pumpkin picking: Wrap your baby up warm and take them to your nearest pumpkin picking event. They may not be strong enough to carry their own, but they will enjoy seeing all the other kids running around to select their favourite one from the patch.

Dress them in a Halloween costume: Parents will find any excuse to make a baby look cute- but Halloween is the perfect time of year to dress them like a pumpkin, cat, witch or a ghost and it will make a great photo opportunity too.

Read a Halloween book: Although they might be having an early night on All Hallows Eve- you can still read them a spooky story before bed. They may not understand what the story is about- but they will enjoy looking at the pictures and hearing you making funny noises.

Take them on a photo shoot: If your budget will stretch, you could take them to a professional photographer while they are in their Halloween costume and acquire some images that you can embarrass them with on their 18th birthday.

Host a Halloween party: And invite all your mummy friends. You could have it during the day and serve some nibbles suitable for any toddlers who might be coming as well as some alcohol-free punch for the mums.

Buy your baby a toy: They may not be old enough to carve their own pumpkin so why not buy them a squishy one that’s suitable for babies instead? That way they won’t feel left out if they see you carving your own adult sized pumpkin.

Go trick or treating: They may not know what sweets are or indeed what trick or treating is. So instead of going around the streets with your baby in the pram, dressed in their finest black and orange attire- you could walk to your relative’s house and hope they will give you some sweets for your efforts.

Happy Halloween to all the new parents out there!

MORE: What does it mean to dream about Halloween?

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