Recent research by Water Wipes found that parents feel loneliest at 3am, with mums twice as likely to feel this way than dads. If you are suffering in the middle of the night with pangs of loneliness here are some things that got me through.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

Have a good cry- No one is awake at this time in the morning in your house other than you and your baby, so if you want to cry- do it. There is no shame in letting it all out- you will feel much better if you release it rather than keeping it all cooped up.

Put the TV on while you feed your baby- If you keep it on low, it shouldn’t affect your little one going back down. Find a channel that has reruns of your favourite shows during the night (preferably comedies!) and have that on in the background to give you a giggle when you are feeling low and tired. Or pop on your favourite movie so you can delve in and out of it as you need to.

Message your mummy friends- If you are lucky enough to have a friend who is feeding their little one during the night- chances are they will be up too, so drop them a message and you might just strike lucky if your babies are awake together. A little text conversation will help you to feel like one of the gang.

Remember you are NOT alone- Although it may feel this way- it couldn’t be further from the truth. Many other mums will be up with their little ones too, going through the motions and feeling exactly the same as you. Just as you might be wondering about them, they will be thinking about you too.

Forums- If you are unsure about anything, forums are a great place to get advice, read what other mums are feeling and going through and finding answers to questions when there is no one else awake to ask. Sometimes they give you a little chuckle when you need it most too.

Listen to a podcast- Again if you keep it on low, you shouldn’t disturb your baby. The voices of others can help you feel like there is someone else in the room with you and if you choose wisely, they can cheer you up just when you feel at your worst.

Have a drink- After you’ve put your baby down after the feed- have a drink too. You need to stay hydrated just as much as your baby does, so take a moment, breathe and refresh your mouth with some cold water. It will help to keep you alert and help with concentration when you need it the most.

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