Hiring a nanny is an imprtant decision for any family, and with childcare options in abundance now, it is easy to get lost and confused in your search for the right person to fill the role. 

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

To help you find a suitable nanny, Helen Harvey from Nannytax, the UK payroll service for nanny employers, shares the following tips on what to look out for when hiring a nanny. 

1. Make sure all important information and documents are checked: Thoroughly interview any prospective nanny and check all paperwork and qualifications.

2. It's all about proven experience: Necessary checks are the enhanced DBS check and ask for at least two written references, which you should follow up with a phone call or preferably a face-to-face chat

3. Child safety is a must: Child based first aid is a must for all nannies, ask to see their certificates and check they are up to date and make sure the nanny you recruit keeps her qualifications up to date.

4. Don't rush the hiring process and do your research: Allow plenty of time to look at a range of nanny recruitment sources and build in time for the recruitment process, don’t just rely on word of mouth. If you don’t have the time to thoroughly check references, make sure you use a nanny agency.

Share your nanny-hiring tips with us in the comments below or tweet us @FemaleFirst_UK
