Britain's Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are to visit the slums in Mumbai.

Britain's Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Britain's Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

The royal couple - who wed in 2011 - are expected to see first hand how the country is affected by "significant urban poverty" by visiting the streets made famous in 2009's 'Slumdog Millionaire'.

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "As much as possible they want see things for themselves. They will see projects focusing on children in significant urban poverty."

During their week-long visit in April, they will meet with charities who are working with children in the city to try and find them safe places to live as well as hearing how some are helping improve the mental health wellbeing of children, following on from their work increasing the awareness of mental health issues in the UK.

Whilst in India, they will also visit the iconic Taj Mahal and experience time in Kaziranga National Park.

In a statement, Kensington Palace said of the royal visit: "In India, The Duke and Duchess will see a variety of aspects of contemporary Indian life, focusing on young people, sport, entrepreneurship, Indian efforts to relieve urban poverty, the creative arts, and rural life.

"Their Royal Highnesses will begin their visit in the creative and business hub of Mumbai. They will then travel to the capital New Delhi, which is the seat of history and politics in the world's largest democracy. In Kaziranga National Park, The Duke and Duchess will experience the rich variety of wildlife and also pay tribute to the rural traditions of the communities who live around the park."