Britain's Prince William works 80 hours a month for the East Anglian Air Ambulance.

Britain's Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge

Britain's Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge

The 33-year-old royal has come under criticism for only doing part time hours with the charity but people have rushed to his defence to insist he is enjoying the "challenge of being a modern working father and husband" as well as balancing his royal duties.

A source told the Mail Online: "It's a demanding role involving both day and night shifts. But the Duke relishes the challenge of being a modern working father and husband, combining his royal and charitable duties with this work as an air ambulance pilot."

Meanwhile, the East Anglian Air Ambulance service recently praised the Prince, who is second in line to the throne, for his work with the charity and thanked the general public for allowing him to get on with his job.

A spokesperson for the EAAA said: "The general public has been wonderful - just letting him get on and accepting he's someone trying to do a job like anyone else.

"As a charity we're delighted that the region has supported his work and allowed him to get on with the job - the very important job he's chosen to do."